Saturday, December 28, 2013

Another year is (almost) dawning as the Christmas season wanes.
At Christmas, we celebrate, among other things, a fresh start for the human race in the person of the Holy Christ Child.  So it seems appropriate to me that shortly after we celebrate this fresh start, we also celebrate the fresh start a new year brings us. And there are special songs to help us celebrate these fresh starts.  If you are like me, some of these songs have woven their way through my life for many years.  
Out in the land behind our Sedona house I found something that always reminds me of the importance of songs and singing in all the seasons of my life. It is a  large red rock formation I call "The Singers" because in the rock pillar I see the silhouettes of two faces looking in opposite directions, and they both seem to be singing. They remind me that one can sing in the midst of the opposites of life and death, joy and sorrow, beginnings and endings.  
One of my favorite songs is "How Can I Keep from Singing?"
      Here are the words:  
My life goes on in endless song above earth's lamentation
I hear the real, though far off song, that hails a New Creation.
Through all the tumult and the strife, its voice to me is ringing.
It sounds an echo in my soul.  How can I keep from singing?

Whenever I see these singers, especially on a sunrise walk, I imagine they are singing in the New Creation for which this weary world is waiting.
And so am I!

Here is a poem I wrote to go with the picture of The Singers:


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