Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to make Retirement the Way of Heaven

You know, I used to feel just a bit guilty about retiring with John.
But now I am grateful we made the decision to retire.
The work ethic takes you only just so far.
Life is short. There are so many wonderful and good ways to enjoy it.
Work can often get in the way of what is most important: things like.....
Getting out into God's glorious world more often.
Spending more time with loved ones.
Trying new things.
I believe it was the great Rabbi Abraham Heschel who reminded us:
Just to live is holy.
Just to BE is a blessing.

And the Tao Te Ching, one of the wisest books ever written has this to say:
"If you consider riches and honor to be important, you will only bring calamity upon yourselves.
The Way of Heaven is this: when you have done your work, retire."

And this:
Desire and discontent lead to misfortune. Seeking worldly things is folly. Those who are rich are those who are contented with what they have.
(Tao Te Ching)
With nothing to drive you, and having no compulsions, needing have gained control and are free. (Chuang Tzu)

Can you tell we are enjoying our new freedom?

And for those of you who are not retired:
don't this wisdom now the best you can.

1 comment:

  1. Not an easy turn in the road to take but you are so right and I'm really happy you finally took the turn. You and John have given so much and continue to give so much in this life, we are grateful for your new freedom. Thank you for everthing.
