Monday, March 23, 2009

Camel of Love: Native American Wisdom

Today's beautiful words from the Native American tradition are taken from the book "Earth Prayers" which I highly recommend.

The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grasses , they speak to me.

The summit of the mountain, the thunder of the sky,
the rhythm of the sea, they speak to me.

The faintness of the stars, the freshness of the morning,
the dewdrop on the flower, they speak to me.

The strength of fire, the taste of salmon,
the trail of the sun, and the life that never goes away,
they speak to me.

And my heart soars.

Will you join me today in listening to the Beauty of the earth speak to you?
The Book of Nature is the primary Revelation of God.  
What is it revealing to you today?  Take a few moments and ponder the question.
Let yourself feel your deep connection to this creation in which we live and move and have our being.   

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